Dove Recovery House for Women has expanded to meet the urgent need for addiction treatment and recovery services for our community’s most vulnerable women. On Thursday, July 8, Dove House unveiled the new outreach center, located at 1800 N. Meridian St., with a grand opening event. Speakers included Indiana Drug Czar Douglas Huntsinger, Director of the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction Jay Chaudhary, and Dove House Executive Director Wendy Noe.
The Dove House Outreach Center was established to fill a critical gap in services for women who are currently waiting for a bed at the main campus. Like the main campus of Dove House, the new center offers clinical groups and other therapeutic services to prospective clients at no cost.
“In a typical year, we have about 50 women on our waitlist each month, but the pandemic has exacerbated substance use issues, and, in recent months, that number has skyrocketed to 85,” said Wendy Noe, executive director of Dove House. “The addition of the outreach center allows us to provide addiction recovery programming to women who are currently waiting for a bed at Dove House. We believe it will be a vehicle to save lives.”
In addition to serving women on the waitlist, the outreach center will be utilized for current residents to receive specialized programming and have supervised DCS visits with their children. The outreach center will be staffed by an outreach advocate, peer recovery coach, employment specialist and licensed therapist.
“As Hoosiers with substance use disorder recover from the devastating toll of COVID-19, it is imperative that we meet the increasing demand for addiction treatment and recovery supports,” said Douglas Huntsinger, Indiana Executive Director for Drug Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement. “Dove Recovery House recognizes the overwhelming need for accessible recovery services for women with substance use disorder and has developed an innovative solution that improves access to quality care and saves lives in the process.”
Dove House serves 40 women each night and more than 80 women annually. This expansion of services is expected to increase the annual number of women served to 100. In addition to struggling with the challenges of substance abuse and addiction, many women who seek help from Dove House are also escaping homelessness, coping with mental health diagnoses, re-entering society after incarceration and re-establishing parenting responsibility.
Media Contact
Ty Spisak, Dove House Communications Consultant
317.517.8867 | ty@tyspisak.com