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Welcome to the Team: Outpatient Therapist, Tahja Green-Carney

Tahja Green-Carney, Dove Recovery House for Women’s newest therapist might look familiar to you, and that’s because before she joined the team in this role, she was an intern! And we couldn’t be more delighted to have her with us as a full-time employee.

As the outpatient therapist, Tahja works with clients one-on-one showing them support, understanding and empathy, giving them the skills and encouragement to allow them to be the leader in their healing journeys.

Tahja has always known about her innate gift to help others, which is one of the reasons she chose this line of work.

“I have always been a kind, caring and compassionate person with a desire to encourage and empower others to be the best version of themselves that they can be,” Tahja shared.

In her role as a therapist, Tahja hopes she can help the women who seek care at Dove House see they are capable of recovery and reaching their full potential in life. She will continue to support the mission of Dove House by providing a safe space to uplift and empower women.

“I look forward to being able to walk alongside women at their most difficult moments and help them realize that they are worthy and deserving of a happy and healthy life. There is always hope,” she added.

Tahja is a Licensed Social Worker and received her master’s degree from the University of Indianapolis, where she studied mental health and addictions. In addition to her internship with Dove House, Tahja previously worked for an agency counseling children and families who struggled with mental health and adverse experiences.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family, traveling and shopping. Most of all, she loves giving back to others.

“I am so happy to be a part of an agency that is actively making a difference in our community,” exclaimed Tahja.

And we are so happy to have you back as part of the Dove House family, Tahja!