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Dubois County Director of Operations, Megan Durlauf

Megan with her husband and children

Megan Durlauf has joined our new location in Dubois County as the director of operations. She was previously working as the Dubious County Community Corrections Director. Megan received her Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Indiana University.

“I spent much of my career facilitating evidence-based group rehabilitative programs in a correctional setting for individuals involved in the justice system. I am certified to teach Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), Thinking for a Change, Moving On, Carey BITS/Guides, EPICS, and The Change Companies Interactive Journals. I also am trained in Motivational Interviewing, building learning cultures through coaching and being trauma-informed in a residential setting,” shared Megan.

Megan is excited to work at Dove House, Dubois County because she recognizes the new treatment program is filling a significant unmet need in the rural community. In her previous job, Megan witnessed countless women get released from jail with nowhere to go except back to the people they were using substances with when they were arrested. Megan wants to be a part of the solution to help women transition to a safe space and start living the life they always dreamed they could have.

Megan knew she wanted to be a part of this amazing organization ever since she heard Dove House CEO Wendy Noe tell Dubois County community members, “We will love the women at Dove House until they learn to love themselves.”

“I love the mission of Dove House and elevating other women to heal, grow, and reach their full potential. Dove House is the gold standard when it comes to residential recovery for women, and I am thrilled that the leadership chose to partner with Dubois County,” Megan exclaimed!

As the director of operations, Megan will expand partnerships with the other area service providers and referral sources to ensure that no woman falls through the crack. She will collaborate with anyone who wants to learn more about our mission and get involved. Additionally, she will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operational needs of the home from coordinating meals to staffing.

Megan shares, “I hope the women who come to Dove House find space to breathe, rest and reawaken the bright and vibrant woman that is still in them but feels lost in the grips of addiction.”

Megan lives in St. Anthony with her husband and two kids. In her free time, she loves to cheer on the St. Louis Cardinals with her family, be outdoors, stay active and listen to podcasts. We feel so grateful to have Megan’s expertise and passion coming to Dove House.